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Organizational Culture Consulting

Organizational culture is the one thing that influences everything in business. Organizational Talent Consulting helps clients architect what their culture should be.

Why it matters

An organization's culture is identified as a critical factor in financially successful companies. But the benefits extend beyond performance and financial success to include employee morale, commitment, health, productivity, and well-being.


As the world changes, organizations must change too. Developing the right company culture is essential to sustainable growth and gaining a competitive advantage.

Although changing organizational culture is challenging, our approach is grounded in evidence from the fields of behavioral, industrial, and organizational psychology - and helps leaders successfully embed a culture that inspires employees to achieve strategic goals.

Our Approach to
Organizational Culture Consulting

  • Create consensus on the current and preferred culture characteristics using a proven organizational culture framework and assessment. 

  • Identify stories about the best of what is and can be.

  • Apply strategic foresight principles to wind tunnel the preferred culture against trends and possible market influences.

  • Clarify the preferred cultural identity, values, knowledge, behaviors, and environment. 

  • Establish strategic plans that address organizational culture priorities, blockages, and solutions.

  • Assess and develop leadership competencies to reinforce the preferred organizational culture.

With a company's people, purpose, strategy, and culture aligned, leadership gains the vision and influence to bring out the best in the organization.

Our Clients' Success in Organizational Culture

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Organizational Talent Consulting helped a privately held mid-sized engineering firm design a new way of operating across the company and identify the most important workgroup initiatives. By embracing change management principles and focusing on organizational culture, the company aligned its purpose, strategy, and vision to achieve breakthrough profitability.

Our Solutions for
Organizational Culture Change

Cutlure Framework

Culture Assessment

Apppreciative Inquiry

Strategic Foresight

Change Management

Explore Our Insights on Organizational Culture

Your path to culture change


Schedule a Meeting

Help us understand your specific needs so we can determine your best next steps.


Partner with Us

We assess and analyze your situation, provide insights and partner to develop solutions that bring out your best.


Learn - Change & Thrive

With a plan that is proven to work for getting more out of life and work, you'll have the confidence and competence needed to maximize your full potential!

100% Money-Back guarantee


Our Organizational Culture Guarantee

We’re so confident you’ll love our organizational culture services and experience growth we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.


If we do not meet your objective, we will refund your full fees. 

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Ready to create a thriving organizational culture?

Hi, I'm Dr. Jeff Doolittle. I'm determined to make your personal and professional goals a reality. My only question is, are you?

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Discover the critical steps to

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In this powerful white paper, discover the proven principles that lead to extraordinary success in shaping organizational culture.

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