Dr. Jeff Doolittle
7 min read
Embracing Vulnerability: Leadership in Difficult Conversations
Have you ever wrestled with the idea of being vulnerable in a conversation? Regardless of leadership level or amount of experience, all...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
4 min read
5 Levers to Create a Culture of Accountability
Accountability is a frustrating topic for many leaders and business owners. Despite careful hiring practices, well-designed employment...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
5 min read
Why Top Leaders Hire Executive Coaches
Stuck on the leadership plateau? Finding it challenging to navigate obstacles with the success you hoped for? Feeling like you are not...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
4 min read
Dealing with Role Ambiguity at Work: 1 Tool You Need
An increasingly ambiguous world impacts all of us. Effectively dealing with ambiguity is a life skill and a contemporary business...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
4 min read
How to Solve 3 Modern Cross-Cultural Leadership Challenges
The future workforce is more diverse than ever. Census data confirms cultural diversity is growing faster than predicted, especially...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
4 min read
4 Emerging Leadership Styles and Why You Should Care
Uncertainty tests espoused values. It's a trial by fire. Unfortunately, new evidence suggests most leaders are not weathering this test...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
7 min read
What is the Dark Side of Personality?
Star Wars presents an epic struggle between the light and dark side of the force. This special-effects-laden movie saga produced over ten...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
5 min read
The Myth of Psychological Safety
Calling yourself a leader is easy. It’s leading in ways that others feel included, are able to take risks, and speak up without fear that...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
5 min read
Less Regret. Giving More Critical Feedback.
Have you ever left a conversation with regret when you dared to disagree? I have. Under pressure, I can be impulsive, leaving me...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
6 min read
Why Character Matters in Leadership
Every leader wants to be successful. But sometimes, the results achieved come at the cost of character. Civil rights leader Martin Luther...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
5 min read
Is Stress Killing Productivity? Here's How Leaders Improve Efficiency & Wellbeing
One emotion that often defines work is stress. It can be productive, motivating you to innovate, or draining, leading to burnout. Recent...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
6 min read
How to Build Organizational Commitment
Is low organizational commitment the new normal in the workplace? The uncertainty of the past few years has shaken industry verticals...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
6 min read
4 Ways Leaders Build Hope In Uncertain Times
Did you wake up this morning looking forward to work? Work plays a significant role in the lives of most Americans. In a large study over...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
5 min read
Understand Yourself Better. Lead Others Better.
Have you ever overestimated your ability? I have. I've committed to projects and timelines but later wondered how I could be so off in...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
5 min read
Better Boundaries. Better Work and Life.
Many leaders I speak with have tossed in the towel on managing work-life boundaries. But, evidence suggests that not committing to...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
6 min read
Is Executive Coaching Really Worth it?
Is there anything more unsettling than making huge decisions alone? Thankfully, it's been a while since I've tried. But in the past, I've...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
6 min read
Bringing Love Into The Workplace
I had just started a new position in Nebraska. We left family back in Illinois, and a significant snowstorm was heading our way. It...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
4 min read
How to Tap Into the Paradoxical Power of Leadership Self-Sacrifice
Remember being a kid? If you are competitive, you may remember campaigning to be the leader so you could pick your friends or play a...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
5 min read
Does Leadership Really Matter?
There has been a lot written on how people are irrational. We have biases that subconsciously influence our decision-making. One of these...
Dr. Jeff Doolittle
5 min read
6 Tips for Better Leadership Habits
Let's face it. Those you lead already know you are not perfect. It may be a minor shortcoming that is a blind spot, or it could be a...